What am I thinking

Monday, April 10, 2006

My wife and I are expecting. And we finally had the 20 week sonogram after 2 delays and it's a boy!!! So now we get to pick a color to paint the baby's room. Well, the baby's/bike storage/brewery/office/DSL&WiFi router location/backbacking gear storage room. sigh we need a bigger house, or I need to drop some hobbies.

Anyway, it's time to paint. But not yet. Like all good doityourselfers, I need to prep the room first. You know, spackle all the holes, correct any nail pops, move stuff away from the walls. So we've taken the first step. I moved our wall standing bike rack down into the living room. I admit it looks funny there, and you have to sit _not_ on the right side of the couch in order to see the whole TV screen, but it replaces the CD shelf system that was there before.

Heidi was talking about a green color before, but our downstairs bathroom is a shade of green that just doesn't sit right with me. She says it's fine, and besides, she wouldn't pick the same shade, but I'm not convinced that something the shade of baby poo/upchuck is what I want the walls permanently colored. So we picked up a bunch of light brown/tan/taupe paint chips from Home Depot the other night. Hopefully we'll get around to that _before_ the baby comes. But who knows...

In the mean time, I'll just fantasize about a nice big house with plenty of storage for everyone's things, that's low cost to heat/cool, and the property taxes are low, yet the value is high so I can get a home equity loan in case of an emergency. You know, the perfect, mythical house... :-)


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